Το lost είναι μία σειρά η οποία εκτός από άκρως ευφάνταστη πλοκή έχει και καταπληκτικό σενάριο. Πρέπει όλοι να παραδεχτούμε ότι πολλοί διάλογοι είναι πανέξυπνοι και εντελώς απρόβλεπτοι.
Εν αναμονή της έκτης season η οποία θα ξεκινήσει σε 3,5 με 4,5 μήνες, ας ασχοληθούμε λίγο με τις ατάκες της σειράς. Παρακάτω σας παρουσιάζω τις 30 καλύτερες ατάκες του Lost μέχρι στιγμής. Περιμένω τα σχόλιά σας, ποιες θεωρείτε εσείς τις καλύτερες ατάκες του Lost, καθώς και άλλες ατάκες που θα έπρεπε να είναι στο Top 30, αλλά για κάποιο λόγο δεν τις βρίσκετε!
Οι δικοί μου αγαπημένοι είναι ο 30, ο 15, ο 26 και φυσικά ο 6! Οι δικοί σας;
Καλή σας διασκέδαση!
30. “You have some Arnst on you.” – Hugo “Hurley” Reis, Exodus Part Two
29. “The Others are coming.” – Danielle Rousseau, Exodus Part One
28. “A leader can’t lead until he knows where he’s going.” – John Locke, White Rabbit
27. “Taller? What like a giant?” – James “Sawyer” Ford, Confirmed Dead
26. “I saw a guy lying there with an ankle holster, so I took the gun. Thought it might come in handy. Guess what. I just shot a bear!” – James “Sawyer” Ford, Pilot Part Two
25. “You waited 40 days to cry.” – Mr. Eko, The Other 48 Days
24. “The record is spinning again. We’re just not on the song we want to be on.” – Daniel Faraday, LaFleur
23. “What are you gonna do, beat me with your Jesus stick? I find it kind of ironic that your scripture stick has dried blood on it. What kind of priest are you?” – Charlie Pace, The 23rd Psalm
22. “I don’t know what is more disquieting; the fact that the rest of the statue is missing, or that it has four toes…” – Sayid Jarrah, Live Together, Die Alone Part One
21. “Baby, I am tied to a tree in the jungle of mystery. I just got tortured by a damn spinal surgeon and a genuine Iraqi. Of course I’m serious.” – James “Sawyer” Ford, Confidence Man
20. “Okay. See, we did crash, but it was on this crazy island. And we waited for rescue, and there wasn’t any rescue. And there was a smoke monster, and then there were other people on the island. We called them the Others, and they started attacking us. And we found some hatches, and there was a button you had to push every 108 minutes or… well, I was never really clear on that. But… the Others didn’t have anything to do with the hatches. That was the DHARMA Initiative. The Others killed them, and now they’re trying to kill us. And then we teamed up with the Others because some worse people were coming on a freighter. Desmond’s girlfriend’s father sent them to kill us. So we stole their helicopter and we flew it to their freighter, but it blew up. And we couldn’t go back to the island because it disappeared, so then we crashed into the ocean, and we floated there for a while until a boat came and picked us up. And by then, there were six of us. That part was true. But the rest of the people… who were on the plane? They’re still on that island.” – Hugo “Hurley” Reis, The Lie
19. “If you do not stop following me, I will kill one of them. Do you understand?” – Ethan Rom, All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues
18. “Yes, I am ready. I ask for no forgiveness, Father, for I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. A small boy once asked me if I was a bad man. If I could answer him now, I would tell him that when I was a young boy, I killed a man to save my brother’s life. I am not sorry for this. I am proud of this. I did not ask for the life I was given, but it was given nonetheless, and with it, I did my best…” – Mr. Eko, The Cost of Living
17. “Every single second of my pathetic little life is as useless as that button!” – John Locke, ?
16. ”NOT PENNYS BOAT.” – Charlie Pace, Through The Looking Glass
15. “No John, unfortunately we don’t have a code for ‘there is a man in my closet holding a gun to my daughter’s head.’ Although we obviously should.” – Benjamin Linus, The Man From Tallahassee
14. “That’s why the Red Sox will never win the damn Series.” – Christian Shephard, Outlaws
13. “They’ve attacked us, sabotaged us, abducted us, murdered us… We’re not the only people on this island and we all know it!” – John Locke, …In Translation
12. “Course if I was one of them – these people that you seem to think are your enemies – what would I do? Well, there’d be no balloon. So I’d draw a map to a real secluded place, like a cave or some underbrush, good place for a trap. An ambush. And when your friends got there, a bunch of my people would be waiting for them. Then they’d use them to trade for me. I guess it’s a good thing I’m not one of them huh? – You guys got any milk?” – “Henry Gale,” The Whole Truth
11. “We have to go back!” – Jack Shephard, Through The Looking Glass
10. “There’s a new sheriff in town, boys. Y’all best get used to it.” – James “Sawyer” Ford, The Long Con
9. “We’re not going to Guam, are we?” – Frank Lapidus, 316
8. “It’s been six days, and we’re all still waiting. Waiting for someone to come. But what if they don’t? We have to stop waiting. We need to start figuring things out. A woman died this morning just going for a swim. He tried to save her and now you’re about to crucify him. We can’t do this. Every man for himself is not going to work. It’s time to start organizing. We need to figure out how we’re going to survive here. Now I found water. Freshwater, up in the valley. I’ll take a party up there at first daylight. If you don’t want to come then find another way to contribute! Last week most of us were strangers. But we’re all here now. And God knows how long we’re going to be here. But if we can’t live together—we’re gonna die alone.” – Jack Shephard, White Rabbit
7. “Let me ask you something. How long you been here on the island? Oh, fifty days. That’s, what, almost two whole months? Tell me, you go over to a man’s house for the first time… Do you take off your shoes? Do you put your feet up on his coffee table? You walk into the kitchen and eat food that doesn’t belong to you? Open the door to rooms you got no business opening? You know somebody a whole lot smarter than anybody here once said: ‘Since the dawn of our species, man’s been blessed with curiosity.’ You know the other one about curiosity, don’t you, Jack? This is not your island. This is our island. And the only reason you’re living on it is ’cause we let you live on it.”- Tom Friendly, The Hunting Party
6. “Don’t tell me what I can’t do.” – John Locke, Walkabout
5. “See you in another life.’ – Desmond Hume, Man of Science, Man of Faith
4. “It only ends once. Everything before that is just progress.” – Jacob, The Incident
3. “We’re the good guys, Michael.” – “Henry Gale,” Live Together, Die Alone
2. “Guys…where are we?” – Charlie Pace, Pilot Part Two
1. “Do you really think all this is an accident — that we, a group of strangers survived, many of us with just superficial injuries? Do you think we crashed on this place by coincidence — especially, this place? We were brought here for a purpose, for a reason, all of us. Each one of us was brought here for a reason.” – John Locke, Exodus Part Two
Nick (via facebook)
“He is the guy who killed me.” – John Locke
Aria (via facebook)
“We have to go back!” σημα κατατεθεν!!!!!!
5. See Ya In Anotha Life, Brotha! (Desmond)
My favorite 🙂
Η καλύτερη ατάκα όλης της σειράς, είναι
“I think I crashed your plane, brotha!”
Desmond, season 2 finale.
kala re ksexasate tin kaluteri makran pou ekane polla ekatommuria kosmo na dakrisoun apo xara…..ben…what about me????jacob….WHAT ABOUT YOU??????eglima na tin ksexasete
Χεχε! Όντως κορυφαία ατάκα! Ακόμα ψάχνετε ο Ben!
the island brought us here……lock ston jack….this man sees the future man(xurley gia ton desmond den thimamai pos to eixe pei akrivos)….you seem different(richard ston lock)….uparxoun polles vasika
kamia idea gia to ti 8a gini pediaaa?
Καλησπερα σε ολους….
Αλλο ενα καλοκαιρι περασε και ηρθε η ωρα να ξυπνησουν λιγο τα LOST ενστικτα μας…χι χι!!!!!
εχω διαβασει διαφορα, ειδικα τωρα που εχουν ξεκινησει τα γυρισματα, αλλα ισως καποιοι να μην θελουν να μαθαινουν νεα, λογω του οτι ειναι η τελευταια σεζον του LOST!!!!
Τελικα δεν ξερω ειναι καλυτερα να τα ξερουμε απο πριν????
το σιγουρο ειναι οτι φετος θα μας τρελανουν εντελως……
pedia,ma8ate tptt?kanena videaki??
nomizo oti den exei kikloforisei kapoio videaki akomi
to mono pou ksero einai oti to 1o episidio tha onomazetai La X kai mallon tha einai 2plo
και εγώ για κάποιο βιντεάκι έψαχνα αυτές τις μέρες, αλλά τίποτα! Υπάρχουν μόνο κάποια fan made.
xmm,endiaferon,diavasa,pos den 8a bgun ka8olu video,giati mono k mono mia mikri skini na dixun,8a dixnun megala ,k sokaristika pragmata..
Λογικό αυτό, αλλά δεν μπορεί… όλο και κάποιο promo θα βγάλουν. Στην τηλεόραση πως θα το διαφημίζουν;
ela nte..
my favourite is DESMOND!!!